Thursday, July 9, 2009

(2) Smart Code

In our own time, in the so-called Information Age, computers are
in the forefront when it comes to concepts of code. For example
there is Binary Code--a system representing computer instructions
employing the two-binary digits "0" and "1". And a binary string of
eight digits can represent some 256 possible values. Also there's
the binary tree, which is a data structure in which each node has
a child node. Oh well--binary trees are helpful implementing
what is called search trees and binary heaps.

There are other models come to the fore, such as a Cellular
Automaton. This model is "studied in computability theory,
mathematics, theoretical biology, and microstructure modeling."
There's a grid of cells, "each in one of a finite number of states,
such as On and Off." Beyond this, there's a neighborhood of cells.
In other words, new cells can be generated. Each new generation
"determines the new state of each cell in terms of the current state
of the cell and the states of the cells in its neighborhood."

Whatever can any of these codes or cells mean toward
understanding an universal code? Like Fractals, Binary Code
and Cellular Automata are mathematical models that have arisen
in the human mind. In other words they are theoretical, but their
application seems to work.Therefore, though a product of our human
mind, could it be that since we are part and parcel of the universe,
that these concepts of ours are guideposts towards understanding
a possible cosmic code?

I certainly can afford to wonder about this, but I wouldn't stake any
money currently over such a possibility. Regardless, some computer
scientists have been willing to go out on a limb--thinking aloud that
the universe may be governed by "pure whole numbers, or integers,
and even space and time are broken up into tiny digital increments."

However, other scientists are not crawling out on that limb.

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